Sunday, December 07, 2014

Capul Church, Watchtowers of La Union, Gota de Leche and Lopez Ancestral House declared by National Museum

I'm updating the Philippine Registry of Cultural Property (PRECUP) with four declarations from the National Museum this year. I was told there may be additional declarations for 2014. But in the meantime, eight properties have been added to the list.

Newly-declared National Cultural Treasures (Category I) include the Saint Ignatius de Loyola Parish Church in Capul, Northern Samar and the Watchtowers of La Union: Bacnotan, Balaoan, Luna, San Fernando and San Juan.

Two Important Cultural Properties (Category II) were also declared namely the Gota de Leche of Manila, and the Lopez Ancestral House in Balayan, Batangas.

Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Ranch tourism in Masbate: Be a ranchero for a day! Holy cow!

The first time I visited Masbate some years back, I wanted to visit its famed ranches. We've all heard of the Rodeo Masbateño and how the province is home to many cattle ranches. I was told however that most of them were closed to the public. So I was pleasantly surprised during a recent visit that the ranches are slowly opening up to visitors. In fact, I visited one!

Masbate is now promoting ranch tourism as owners welcome visitors to their ranches. And they're definitely proud of their cattle! We visited the Sese Brahmans Ranch in Mandaon, which is a sprawling property set amidst rolling hills.

Monday, November 10, 2014

What's to see in Melbourne, Australia and its neighborhoods?

Flinders Street Station in Melbourne, Australia
Flying into Melbourne, I didn't know what to expect. I had no idea that Melbourne has been consistently named the world’s most liveable city, for the fourth year in a row this year. Also this year, it was named the world’s friendliest city.

Saturday, November 08, 2014

View of Hobart and the Government House from the Tasman Bridge

One of the images of Hobart that stuck in my mind was that of the city at the foot of Mount Wellington as we crossed the Tasman Bridge coming in from the Hobart International Airport. So I planned to walk over to the bridge during my last day, even though I had just an hour or two to spare.

Port Arthur Historic Site in Tasmania, Australia

Port Arthur Historic Site in Tasmania is one of the Australian Convict Sites, a World Heritage property. This former convict settlement is Tasmania's top tourist attraction.

The Australian Convict Sites are eleven convict colonies that represent the thousands of penal settlements established in Australia between 1787 to 1868. This eighty year period saw the transportation of over 166,000 men, women and children, condemned by the British justice system to Australia. Five of the sites are in Tasmania, namely Brickendon and Woolmers EstatesDarlington Probation StationCascades Female FactoryCoal Mines Historic Site, and the Port Arthur Historic Site which I got to visit.

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